Rick Nuttall

Job Title Research Associate Email rick.nuttall.bfn@gmail.com Groupsall

Sue Gie

Wife, mom, land-owner, Citizen Scientists, birder, teacher, traveller with a passion for biodiversity, learning and education, research, and connecting people t...

Ryan Tippett

Co-author of the African Dragonfly and Damselfly Atlas, facilitator of the Fundamentals of Citizen Science course

Itxaso Quintana

BDI online events, especially the Citizen Scientist Hours. GIS expertise

Megan Loftie-Eaton, PhD

Citizen science and communications expert, social media guru, trail runner and outdoor adventurer

Sally Hofmeyr, PhD

BDI Academic Editor, science communication whiz, part-time bird ringer and tree hugger

Dieter Oschadleus, PhD

BDI Ringing Coordinator, Weaver expert, bird ringer extraordinaire, registered bird guide

Les Underhill

BDI Director, applier of statistics to real-world problems, especially in biodiversity