BDI Bridge


We cannot turn all the available land into nature reserves. We would not have any space to grow food. We cannot turn all the available land into agriculture either. There would be no space for wildlife and all the crucial natural resources that nature provides for us and other living beings, for free! We believe that food security and biodiversity conservation go hand-in-hand. One of our aims at the Biodiversity and Development Institute is to establish communication between people who are passionate about biodiversity conservation and people who make their living from the land through the myriad forms of agriculture. This newsletter is a bridge to bring the two groups of people together.

There are four editions of The BDI Bridge per year, more-or-less on a seasonal basis. The idea is for Scientists, Citizen Scientists, and Farmers/Landowners to contribute articles or anecdotes, and experiences related to biodiversity with the broader BDI Bridge community. We look forward to hearing from you and receiving interesting stories, fun facts, and insights into the biodiversity on your property – you can contribute by emailing us at

All previous editions of the BDI Bridge can be viewed/downloaded below. Feel free to share the newsletter with farming/community groups that you feel may enjoy and benefit from this initiative: