Below is a list of Research Papers with members of the BDI listed as co-authors. The authors affiliated to the BDI are in bold.
This is a list of BDI research papers published in 2024

du Toit J, Tippett RM, Underhill LG 2024. African Oystercatcher Haematopus moquini in the Karoo. Biodiversity Observations 14: 90–92.
Quintana I, Willemse S, Daniel K, Hardaker T, Underhill LG 2024. Range expansion of African Red-eyed Bulbul Pycnonotus nigricans in western South Africa. Ostrich 95: 252–262.

Underhill LG 2024. The breeding of Leach’s Storm Petrels Hydrobates leucorhous in the southern hemisphere. Marine Ornithology 52: 275–276.
Underhill LG 2024. Winter storms: a potential threat to African Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini. African Journal of Marine Science 46: 143–148.

Underhill LG 2024. Seasonality of breeding by Chukar Partridge Alectoris chukar on Robben Island. Biodiversity Observations 14: 67–70.
Oschadleus HD, Daniel K, Charlton L, Ellmore F 2024. First record of African Dusky Flycatcher on Robben Island. Biodiversity Observations 14: 55–57.

Oschadleus HD 2024. Bathing in the Southern Brown-throated Weaver. Biodiversity Observations 14: 60–61.
Sherley RB, Underhill LG, Barham PJ 2024. Second bibliography of biodiversity research on Robben Island. Biodiversity Observations 14: 44–49.

Scott T, Underhill LG 2024. Global review of quantitative studies of primary moult of birds using the Underhill-Zucchini moult model. Frontiers in Bird Science 3: 1370918
Daniel K, Underhill LG, van Rooyen J 2024. Bird atlas in action: generating alerts for population trends using citizen science data in Hessequa, South Africa. Frontiers in Bird Science.

Johnson TL, de Bresser JC, Cottrant E, Drobniewska NJ, Paulet TG, Underhill LG 2024. An exploration of distribution and residency of four endemic catshark species in Walker Bay, South Africa. African Journal of Marine Science.
Underhill LG, Navarro R, Loftie-Eaton M 2024. The open-access journal Biodiversity Observations: report for 2023. Biodiversity Observations 14: 5–8

This is a list of BDI research papers for 2023
Tippett RM, Underhill LG 2023. Powerful wind kills hundreds of birds. Biodiversity Observations 13: 301–305.

Underhill LG, Navarro RA 2023. The Virtual Museum: an African biodiversity database holding more than two million records. Biodiversity Observations 13: 252–269.
Underhill LG, Wilke C, Hattingh B 2023. Non-colonial ground-nesting birds on Robben Island: positive impact of the removal of feral cats on the abundance of Chukar Partridge and Fiery-necked Nightjar. Biodiversity Observations 13: 282–286.

Underhill LG, Scott T 2023. Influence of groups of points on estimates of the parameters of moult. Ostrich 94: 333–336
Scott T, Raijmakers K, Underhill LG 2023. The primary moult of adult Red-headed Finches Amadina erythrocephala. Ostrich 94: 278–291.

Cottrant E, Drobniewska NJ, Johnson TL, Underhill LG, Murray TS, Hammerschlag N, Albano PS, McCord ME, Cowley PD, Fallows C, Paulet TG 2023. Network analysis of the spotted gully shark Triakis megalopterus reveals spatial vulnerability to exploitation in the Western Cape, South Africa. African Journal of Marine Science 45: 273–283.
Scott T, Underhill LG, Underhill GD 2023. Primary moult of adult Laughing Doves Spilopedia senegalensis: introduction of the relative duration index and a comparison of moult indices. Ostrich.
The pencil drawing is from Tanya Scott’s PhD thesis. This paper was a chapter in her thesis.

Scott T, Scoler M, Melville DS, Underhill LG 2023. Timing and duration of primary moult in New Zealand’s Silvereye (tauhou, Zosterops lateralis). Notornis 70: 97–110.
The pencil drawing is from the PhD thesis of Tanya Scott. This paper was a chapter in that thesis.
Underhill LG 2023. Capped Wheatear Oenanthe pileata breeding in association with Brant’s Whistling Rat Parotomys brantsii. Biodiversity Observations 13: 247–251.

Hatley G, Oschadleus HD, Underhill LG, Ramsay J 2023. Biometrics and moult of Grey-backed Sparrow-lark Eremopterix verticalis in the Karoo, September 2023. Biodiversity Observations 13: 239–246.
Bate TC, Ryan PG, Underhill LG 2023 in press. Primary moult of adult African Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini. Ostrich 94: 258–265.

Brom P, Colville JF, Underhill LG, Winter K 2023. Urban intensity and flower community structure drive beetle pollinator assemblage in Cape Town. Bothalia: African Biodiversity & Conservation 53(1):a9.
Brom P, Underhill LG, Winter K, Colville J 2023. A mowing strategy for urban parks to support spring flowers and their pollinators in a mediterranean climate city in South Africa. Urban Ecosystems.

Camera BF, Quintana I, Strüssmann C, Waller T, Barros M, Draque J, Micucci P, Miranda EBP 2023. Assessing the sustainability of yellow anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) harvest. PLoS ONE 18(1): e0277629.
Chipps A, Underhill LG 2023. Millions of Caper Whites Belenois aurota 100 km offshore of West Africa. Biodiversity Observations 13: 189‒191.

Daniel K, Loftie-Eaton M 2023. A guide to the common garden birds of Cape Town, South Africa. Biodiversity Observations 13: 7‒41.
Daniel K, Underhill LG 2023. Temporal dimensions of data quality in bird atlases: the case of the Second Southern African Bird Atlas Project. Citizen Science: Theory & Practice. 8(1): 31, pp. 1–17. doi: 10.5334/cstp.578

Meléndez-Arteaga J, Blanco J, Ferreira PC, Nuttall RJ, Oschadleus HD, Underhill LG 2023. Red-billed Oxpecker Buphagus erythrorhynchus in the KhoiSan Karoo Conservancy, Northern Cape, South Africa. Biodiversity Observations 13: 50‒60.
Underhill LG, Navarro R 2023. The open-access journal Biodiversity Observations: report for the period 2010‒2022. Biodiversity Observations 13: 1‒6.

Velasco E, Zubillaga J, Gonzalez M, Cottrant E 2023. Spotted Gully Shark Triakis megalopterus at Robben Island, Table Bay, South Africa. Biodiversity Observations 13: 186–188.
This is a list of BDI research papers for 2022

Brooks M, Rose S, Altwegg R, Lee ATK, Nel H, Ottosson U, Retief E, Reynold C, Ryan PG, Shema S, Tende T, Underhill LG, Thomson RL 2022. The African Bird Atlas Project: a description of the project and BirdMap data collection protocol. Ostrich 93: 223–232. doi: 10.2989/00306525.2022.2125097
Jackson CHW, Underhill LG 2022. Primary moult strategies in adult migrant waders (Charadrii). Wader Study 129: 126‒137

Lee ATK, Brooks M, Underhill LG 2022. The SABAP2 legacy: a review of the history and use of data generated by a long running citizen science project. South African Journal of Science 118, Art. #12030. doi: 10.17159/sajs.2022/12030
Quintana I, Cifuentes EF, Dunnink JA, Ariza M, Martínez-Medina D, Fantacini FM, Shrestha BR, Richard F-J 2022. Severe conservation risks of roads on apex predators. Scientific Reports 12: 2902.

Remisiewicz M, Underhill LG 2022. Large-scale climatic patterns have stronger carry-over effects than local temperatures on spring phenology of long-distance passerine migrants between Europe and Africa. Animals 12, 1732. doi: 10.3390/ani121317
Remisiewicz M, Underhill LG 2022. Climate in Africa sequentially shapes within-season spring passage of Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus through the Baltic Coast. PeerJ 10:e12964. doi 10.7717/peerj.12964.

Tippett R, Underhill LG 2022. Dragonflies and damselflies of the KhoiSan Karoo Conservancy. Biodiversity Observations 12: 54‒59.
Tippett R, Willemse S, Underhill LG 2022.Dragonflies and damselflies of the Lower Olifants River Valley: Citrusdal to the sea. Biodiversity Observations 12: 71‒81.

This is a list of BDI research papers for 2021

Mazur AE, Remisiewicz M, Underhill LG 2021. Sex-specific patterns of fuelling and pre-breeding body moult of Little Stints Calidris minuta in South Africa. Ibis 163: 99–112. doi: 10.1111/ibi.12840
Quintana I, Button R, Underhill LG 2021. African Oystercatchers on Robben Island, South Africa: The 2019/2020 breeding season in its two decadal context. Wader Study 128: 209–219.
Itxaso Quintana doing fieldwork

Underhill LG, Scott T 2021. Primary moult of European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur in northern Senegal. Ringing & Migration 36: 91‒94.
This is a list of BDI research papers for 2020
Brom P, Anderson P, Channing A, Underhill LG 2020. The role of cultural norms in shaping attitudes towards amphibians. PLoS ONE 15(2): e0219331

Daniel K, Quintana I, Underhill LG 2020. Sleeping on a tightrope: White-breasted Cormorants Phalacrocorax lucidus and African Darters Anhinga rufa roosting on transmission lines. Biodiversity Observations 11.5: 1–7.
Laver PN, Ganswindt A, Ganswindt SB, Alexander KA 2020. Effect of food limitation and reproductive activity on fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels in banded mongooses. BMC Ecology 20: 12.

Van Rooyen JA, Underhill LG 2020. Systematic atlasing in Hessequa: Report on the first cycle of seasonal monitoring. Biodiversity Observations 11.3: 1–14.
Remisiewicz M, Underhill LG 2020. Climatic variation in Africa and Europe has combined effects on timing of spring migration in a long-distance migrant Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus. PeerJ 8: e8870. doi:10.7717/peerj.8770

This is a list of BDI research papers for 2019
Underhill LG 2019. Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus in South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Stork, Ibis and Spoonbill Specialist Group. Special Issue: Glossy Ibis Ecology and Conservation. SIS Conservation 1: 82–89.

Underhill LG, Navarro R, Mansell M 2019. LacewingMAP: Progress report on the atlas of African Neuroptera and Megaloptera, 2014–2019. Biodiversity Observations 10.10: 1–21.
This is a list of BDI research papers for 2018

Underhill LG, Loftie-Eaton M, Navarro R 2018. Dragonflies and damselflies of the Western Cape – OdonataMAP report, August 2018. Biodiversity Observations 9.7: 1–21.
Underhill LG, Loftie-Eaton M, Navarro R 2018. Odonata of the Kruger National Park. Biodiversity Observations 9.11: 1–17.

Underhill LG, Loftie-Eaton M, Navarro R 2018. OdonataMAP ‒ Progress report on the Atlas of the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Africa: 2016/17 and 2017/18. Biodiversity Observations 9.13: 1–10.