Climate in Africa influences timing of migration of Willow Warblers in Poland
Since the 1980s, many migrant birds have arrived increasingly earlier in Europe in the northern hemisphere spring (March-April-May). This has often been attribu...
Since the 1980s, many migrant birds have arrived increasingly earlier in Europe in the northern hemisphere spring (March-April-May). This has often been attribu...
The Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus breeds in Europe and Asia. Most move south for the northern winter. Most remain in soutern Europe, some migrate...
The Little Egret Egretta garzetta belongs to a large family of birds called the Ardeidae, the herons, the egrets and the bitterns. The herons are, on average, l...
The focus here is on learning the really common birds which you can expect to see on the coastline in the Western Cape. These are the species you are most likel...
The African Oystercatcher Haematopus moquini is one of the iconic species of the coastline of the southwestern Africa. There is only one oystercatcher that bree...
This is the third and final blog in this series on the impacts of Rhodes on biodiversity. The first blog talked about the Eastern Grey Squirrel. The second cove...
BirdPix is important because it is going to be used to test whether “species distribution models” can be used to generate maps that look like the bi...
The take home message of this blog is one of disappointment! But the reality is that we have never looked at the butterflies in LepiMAP in this way before. Beca...
We lost all the data***. Now we need to be starting from scratch! This is not such a crazy idea. It is so easy to think. I know that the Red-veined Dropwing has...
We will slowly work out way through projects and provinces! We have done BirdPix in the Western Cape. This map shows the number of bird species recorded for Bir...