Ascalaphidae (Owlflies)
This is the description of the Family Ascalaphidae in the online guide to the Neuroptera (lacewings and antlions) of southern Africa Eight genera are known from...
This is the description of the Family Ascalaphidae in the online guide to the Neuroptera (lacewings and antlions) of southern Africa Eight genera are known from...
The first Citizen Science Week of the 2020/2021 season starts this Saturday 19 September 2020, and runs to the end of the following weekend, Sunday 27 September...
Craig AJFK, and Hulley PE. 2020. The birds of Fort Fordyce Reserve, Eastern Cape. Biodiversity Observations 11.1:1-16 Biodiversity Observations is an open acces...
Happy New Year and Century! We hope you all had a lovely festive season and that 2020 will be a fantastic year. Why not kick-start the year by joining us at our...
de Castro JJ, de Castro M, de Castro JA, and Ruiz Teixidor P. 2019. Hippo cannibalism. Biodiversity Observations 10.14:1-3 Biodiversity Observations is an open ...
O’Connell B. 2019. Elegant/Sandwich tern hybrid – Cape Recife, Port Elizabeth (The French Connection). Biodiversity Observations 10.13:1-5 Biodiversity Ob...
Baxter-Gilbert J, and Riley JL. 2019. Leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis) road mortality and extralimital occurrence in Western Cape, South Africa. Biodive...
Paijmans DM, Rose S, Oschadleus HD, and Thomson RL. 2019. SAFRING Ringing Report for 2017. Biodiversity Observations 10.11:1-11 Biodiversity Observations is an ...
Mansell M, Underhill LG, and Navarro R. 2019. LacewingMAP – Progress report on the Atlas of African Neuroptera and Megaloptera, 2014 – 2019. Biodive...
Awoyemi AG and Bown D. 2019. Bird conservation in Africa – the contributions of the Ibadan Bird Club. Biodiversity Observations 10.9:1-12 Biodiversity Obs...