Two weeks after our previous bird ringing visit, we were again at Vondeling Wine Farm. This time we focused on species diversity. We caught 26 species in four days, although the first day was rainy. A pair of Cape Batis showed the different eye colours of male and female.
Looking at the table at the bottom of this blog, our top captured species was 33 Cape Weavers, followed by 16 Southern Masked Weavers, and 10 Fiscal Flycatchers.
A patch of flowering Leonotus provided four Malachite Sunbirds, eight Streaky-headed Seedeaters and other species.
On the last morning, Sally led ringing in an almond grove which added numbers and the following species: Cape Turtle Dove, Cape Wagtail, Cape Canary and Southern Grey-headed Sparrow.
One of the most exciting catches was a female Greater Honeyguide, a species we had not seen or heard calling at Vondeling. The hosts of this brood parasite include several species that are at Vondeling: African Hoopoe (one ringed!), kingfishers and starlings (one Common Starling ringed!).
Numbers of birds of each species caught at Vondeling, 17 to 20 August 2023
Sp no | English | Count |
316 | Ring-necked Dove (Cape Turtle Dove) | 1 |
392 | Red-faced Mousebird | 1 |
418 | African Hoopoe | 1 |
440 | Greater Honeyguide | 1 |
543 | Cape Bulbul | 2 |
581 | Cape Robin-chat | 4 |
621 | Long-billed Crombec | 2 |
622 | Bar-throated Apalis | 1 |
665 | Fiscal Flycatcher | 10 |
672 | Cape Batis | 2 |
686 | Cape Wagtail | 1 |
707 | Southern Fiscal | 2 |
733 | Common Starling | 1 |
751 | Malachite Sunbird | 4 |
784 | House Sparrow | 2 |
786 | Cape Sparrow | 6 |
799 | Cape Weaver | 33 |
803 | Southern Masked Weaver | 16 |
810 | Yellow Bishop | 6 |
825 | Swee Waxbill | 1 |
857 | Cape Canary | 1 |
863 | Brimstone Canary | 2 |
867 | Streaky-headed Seedeater | 8 |
1172 | Cape White-eye | 7 |
4139 | Karoo Prinia | 1 |
4142 | Southern Grey-headed Sparrow | 1 |
TOTAL | 117 |
Links to the descriptions of previous ringing trips to Vondeling (and also elsewhere) are summarized in this blog. To join a future ringing event, see Events!
We have comfortable accommodation on the farm, in two cottages.