BDInsight – December 2023
Cover image: Fiery necked Nightjar Caprimulgus pectoralisKarongwe Private Game Reserve, Hoedspruit, Limpopo ProvincePhoto by Douglas Cook Botuin RAVE! RAVE = RI...
Cover image: Fiery necked Nightjar Caprimulgus pectoralisKarongwe Private Game Reserve, Hoedspruit, Limpopo ProvincePhoto by Douglas Cook Botuin RAVE! RAVE = RI...
Lerm RE, Jansen R, and Underhill LG. 2019. Bird distribution dynamics – Indigenous francolins in South Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland. Biodiversity Observ...
Arbon K. 2019. Predation of porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis in the den by honey badger Mellivora capensis. Biodiversity Observations 10.4:1-3 Biodiversity Ob...
Lerm RE, and Underhill LG. 2019. Bird distribution dynamics – African black oystercatcher in South Africa. Biodiversity Observations 10.3:1-7 Biodiversity...
Masotla MJ, Snyman A, Makhado AB, and Dyer BM. 2019. First breeding record of Pintado petrel (Daption capensis) at Marion Island. Biodiversity Observations 10.2...
Cooper MI, Sewell BT and Jaffer MA. 2019. Iridescence of violet woodhoopoe mantle feathers. Biodiversity Observations 10.1:1-2 Biodiversity Observations is an o...
Loftie-Eaton M, Underhill LG, and Navarro R. 2018. OdonataMAP – Progress report on the Atlas of the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Africa – 2016/17 ...
de Swardt DH. 2018. Notes on the seasonal occurrence of Sickle-winged Chats Cercomela sinuata in the central Free State with notes on their seasonality. Biodive...
van Rooyen JA. 2018. Systematic atlasing in Hessequa – moving from mapping to monitoring. Biodiversity Observations 9.10:1-13 Biodiversity Observations is...
Ivanova IM and Symes CT. 2018. Common starling Sturnus vulgaris expansion in South Africa. Biodiversity Observations 9.9:1-6 Biodiversity Observations is an ope...