Horned Talontail (Crenigomphus cornutus)
Cover photo by Bertie Brink. Identification Medium Sized Length attains 49mm; Wingspan up to 68mm. The Horned Talontail is very similar to Crenigomphus hartmann...
Cover photo by Bertie Brink. Identification Medium Sized Length attains 49mm; Wingspan up to 68mm. The Horned Talontail is very similar to Crenigomphus hartmann...
Cover photo by John Wilkinson. Find the Eastern Scissortail in the FBIS database (Freshwater Biodiversity Information System) here. Family Gomphidae Identificat...
Cover photo by N. Hart. Family Coenagrionidae Identification Very small size Length up to 30mm; Wingspan attains 38mm. The overall colouration of the Fork-taile...
Cover photo by Nick Hart. Family Chlorocyphidae Identification Small size Length up to 31mm; Wingspan attains 56mm. Males are unmistakable within the sub-region...
The photo above (by Gert Bensch) can be viewed in OdonataMAP here. Find this species in the FBIS database (Freshwater Biodiversity Information System) here...
The photo above (by Joe Smereczansky) can be viewed in OdonataMAP here. Find this species in the FBIS database (Freshwater Biodiversity Information System) here...
The photo above (by Katharina Reddig) can be viewed in OdonataMAP here. Find this species in the FBIS database (Freshwater Biodiversity Information System)...
View the above photo record (by Richard Johnstone) in OdonataMAP here. Find the Little Skimmer in the FBIS database (Freshwater Biodiversity Information System)...
View the above photo record (by Niall Perrins) in OdonataMAP here. Find the Bottletail in the FBIS database (Freshwater Biodiversity Information System) he...