Red-winged Starling (Onychognathus morio)
Cover photo: BirdPix 19074 – Gregg Darling – Red-winged Starling Identification The Red-winged Starling is a large, black bird with striking reddish...
Cover photo: BirdPix 19074 – Gregg Darling – Red-winged Starling Identification The Red-winged Starling is a large, black bird with striking reddish...
Identification The Cape Sparrow is a small, boldly patterned bird which is sexually dimorphic; in other words, males and females look different to one another. ...
The Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus breeds in Europe and Asia. Most move south for the northern winter. Most remain in soutern Europe, some migrate...
The Little Egret Egretta garzetta belongs to a large family of birds called the Ardeidae, the herons, the egrets and the bitterns. The herons are, on average, l...