What’s the value of a photo?
The take home message has to be that the value of photographic records to biodiversity mapping at the species level, as done by the Virtual Museum, is massive.
The take home message has to be that the value of photographic records to biodiversity mapping at the species level, as done by the Virtual Museum, is massive.
What motivates this blog on industrial biodiversity? Well, the BDI took occupation of its unit in Epping Industria I on Monday this past week. Director Pete Lav...
A white-throated swallow, one of several intra-African migratory birds. Photo credit: MartinMaritz/Shutterstock -oo0oo- Les Underhill recently published this pi...
Birds and barbed wire – by Les Underhill Barbed wire was invented in America in the 1860s, and used to keep cattle inside of camps, or outside of crops. W...
International Citizen Science Day in The Company’s Garden – by Les Underhill All but one of the thousands of people in The Company’s Garden, in the heart ...
By Les Underhill. Photo credits: Les Underhill and Dieter Oschadleus Team BDI explored the northwest corner of the Paardeberg on Saturday 7 April 2018. We visit...
Lacewings are not one of the charismatic groups of insects, and have been poorly studied. They consume aphids and do pollination, so they are one of the key eco...