Colour ringing birds at Fynbos Estate

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Bird ringing was conducted at Fynbos Estate from 17-21 June 2019, with two students from France, as part of their field project. During the ringing sessions Emilie  and Manon learned to identify and measure local bird species. Two species, Common Fiscals and Cape Robin-chats, were also colour ringed to enable observations on individually identifiable birds. During ringing sessions, territories of at least two pairs of Common Fiscals were noted. The Common Fiscals at Fynbos Estate often hunt from surprisingly low perches in the vineyards.

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Cape Robin-chat


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Common Fiscal


Table: Number of birds ringed and recaptured at Fynbos Estate, 17-21 June 2019

Species English Ringed Recaptured Total
316 Cape Turtle Dove 1 0 1
391 White-backed Mousebird 1 0 1
432 Acacia Pied Barbet 0 3 3
440 Greater Honeyguide 1 0 1
543 Cape Bulbul 5 0 5
581 Cape Robin-chat 6 1 7
621 Long-billed Crombec 1 0 1
622 Bar-throated Apalis 3 0 3
665 Fiscal Flycatcher 1 0 1
672 Cape Batis 2 0 2
678 Fairy Flycatcher 1 0 1
707 Common Fiscal 3 1 4
751 Malachite Sunbird 1 2 3
786 Cape Sparrow 1 0 1
799 Cape Weaver 76 11 87
803 Southern Masked Weaver 13 6 19
808 Southern Red Bishop 1 0 1
810 Yellow Bishop 6 0 6
1105 Olive Thrush 2 1 3
1172 Cape White-eye 32 6 38
4139 Karoo Prinia 3 2 5
4142 Southern Grey-headed Sparrow 2 0 2
TOTALS 162 33 195


Close to 200 birds were caught and processed. Recaptures included birds from the first ringing trip to Fynbos in May 2018. 22 species were handled, including three species not recorded here before: Greater Honeyguide (an immature male), Long-billed Crombec  and Fairy Flycatcher. The Greater Honeyguide is a brood parasite of hole nesting birds like woodpeckers and barbets and potential hosts at Fynbos are Cardinal Woodpecker and Acacia Pied Barbet.

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Fairy Flycatcher


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Greater Honeyguide


Would you like to colour-ring a bird? Book a trip with African Ringing Expeditions!

Dieter Oschadleus
Dieter Oschadleus
Dieter Oschadleus leads the BDI bird ringing expeditions, and is able to organise bird ringing courses (having run many courses in South Africa, and some in the Seychelles). Dieter is also a registered bird guide in South Africa, and has birded widely in Africa and the Indian Ocean islands. Dieter is able to act as a bird guide for day trips in Cape Town, and is able to customise birds tours in South Africa and beyond.